Finally this build is done this is actually my first in group build, scratch build, painting, base building, weathering, photography and photoshop editing jeje. This is part of the Concept Mecha Group Build hosted by The MAC Forums.
I started building on January on and off because of school and work schedule and didn't make it to the actual deadline but thanks to Kriz for extending the deadline I got to finish and accomplish some of the things I wanted to do for this build.
Another thing about this build is that I was on a tight budget I mean so tight that the only thing I spent was 97 cents for a can of flat black spray can. Resourcefulness (is that even a word) was a must.
The Base....
Base started from a discarded round cut piece of wood I found a a Alarm and Sound installation shop near my house (fetch it in the middle of the night) I then wiped a batch of sand and glue paste to start something up since I really didn't know what I wanted the base to look like, I also experimented some asphalt making similar to DC23 sand and glue but instead of glue use paint. The results were ok but not what I wanted and the base ended up bland.
Back in the drawing board and with research I ended up going for a rubbled up base nothing fancy just something to give a little attention and go with the theme of the build.
For the rubble I use some old piece of drywall, cardboard, hanger wire and a mix of dirt from fitchen foo's tutorials. The paint was stuff I had around from other non gunpla related projects (cheap water base paints).
The End Result.....
H.C.U Mech.......
The Mech started as a humanoid tank but I changed my mind in the middle of the build going for a more arachnoid type of mech, this made it easier to construct and detail.
The body is made mostly out of my sons discarded bionicle (Lego) toys forming the basic shape, moderate modifications were made to try and get rid of the toyish look by filling some wholes and applying some details with plaplate and wiring to give it that mechanical look also added some exhaust pipes for added detail. For weapons I added a scorpion like tail cannon and a gatling gun I salvaged from TF toy I had lying around.
For the paint I wanted a scuffed and weather metallic look but for budget reasons I had to settle with gold spray paint and some testors paint, I don't own a AB so most of the mech is hand painted. I used a hairspray technich for the paint chipping and my cheap water base paints for the weathering. With the end result being a steam punk kinda look for the mech.
As far and photography and editing goes I'm pretty much a rookie but I tried my best to take some decent photos and make justice to the mech.
Mech with Base...
Overall I learned a lot with this group build I think my skills have grown a bit I also want to thank my brothers from TheMAC Forums who really supported this build. Lastly Completing this build has really boosted my love for the hobby.
Thanks viewing see you on the next build
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